How to look after your Mental Health Whilst Self Isolating
With the prospect of extended periods of self isolation, many people are starting to worry about its impact on their mental health. Anxiety is also on the rise over the unknown. In addition to the article published in The Metro yesterday, I wanted to share some more tips and go in to a little more depth over tips on how to look after your mental health whilst self isolating. Meditation When people think of Meditation they often get overwhelmed on where to start. There are many different types of Meditation and it can be difficult to know where to begin. Meditation has been shown to have a huge positive impact on mental health, along with studies being shown it improves your overall health and immune system. The main purpose of Meditation is to stop the endless mind chatter, and to find the quiet and space within. By withdrawing from your surroundings and going within, you're able to stop the worry and anxiousness that comes with self isolation and the unknown of what is going on right now. Use the prospect of self isolation as a time to start a new positive routine. The Ki Retreat will be moving it's Meditation classes online, so for those of you that would like guidance and to learn how to meditate, I'll be offering our weekly meditation class via Facebook & Skype. Here's a simple Meditation to try at home 'Meditation" is a very broad term and there are many different types. The simplest way to start is to focus on your breathing. Set a timer. If it's new to you, start with just 5 or 10 minutes a day. Take a few deep breaths to help calm your mind & close your eyes. Then take your attention to your breath. Follow it's pattern in and out- just focus on your breathing. When thoughts intrude- and they will, just return your attention back to your breath. Carry on doing this until the timer sounds. And remember, it's called "Meditation Practice" for a reason! The more you practice, the easier it becomes and the longer the gaps become in-between intruding thoughts. Gradually increase the time that you sit in Meditation. Holistic therapies Look for online treatments. As you know, I'm a Reiki Master. Reiki has such amazing benefits for helping aid mental health. What many people don't realise is that Reiki and energy healing are just as effective carried out via distance Healing- so you can still receive the benefits of reiki without leaving the house, with many if my clients now moving to online/ distance treatments. When energy blocks occur within our body, or in our Auric field, physical or emotional problems start to manifest themselves within our lives. Energy therapies help to bring the body back in to balance. Energy flows through the body via a network of meridians and chakras. When these become blocked, it disrupts the energy flow and reduces the body's ability to heal and function efficiently. Energy therapies heal, by dissolving these energy blocks, helping to remove trauma, or "stuck emotion" and re-balancing the subtle energy system. They detox the body and help to kick start its natural healing process. I'll be doing a full blog post explaining about distance healing soon, otherwise you'll be reading forever! However you can read more about some of the therapies that I offer here. Practice Gratitude & Journalling Gratitude seems to have become a buzzword recently. However it's a very simple and effective way to retrain the brain into a positive mindset. Grab a diary and make a list of things you're grateful for. This could be as simple as having a hot cup of morning coffee. Look for the positives within a situation. For example whilst self isolating, it could be the fact that you get to spend more time with your children, or time for yourself to start a new hobby. Journalling is another important tool. It helps us to take all of the anxiety and worry out of our head and put it on to paper. Self isolation is such a worrying thought, as it's fear of the unknown. We've never lived through anything like this before, it's unprecedented. So grab a diary and start writing everything down- including your thoughts and feelings. Digital detox (Certain types) Social Media is a great way to be able to keep in touch with friends and family whilst self isolating. However the stats show that screen time is up hugely during these last few weeks. The endless scrolling through social media is shown to have a detrimental effect on mental well-being. As is the endless bombardment of news coverage. Self isolating is the perfect time to start a digital detox (this goes for being glued to the news channels as well) our brains can become overwhelmed by anxiety. Make sure that you don't cut off completely from friends and family. Use technology to your advantage. Perhaps switch to Skype, Messenger or calls- this will help you to keep in touch in a positive way. Set up a WhatsApp group with friends where talk of the outbreak is banned, but you're still able to post photos of your day etc and share positive stories and chat. Another way to use social media to your advantage is to find online groups to join. The Ki Retreat group on Facebook is an online community, where we share tips on meditation, healing, advise and where people come to chat and support each other. Groups like this can be very uplifting and empowering. Remember that you are not alone, and people are there for you. Start a new hobby or online learning Technology is also our friend during social isolation. It's the perfect time to start a new hobby or learn something new. It's important that we keep our brain active The Ki Retreat will be bringing all of it's offline workshops online on our Facebook page- for example
There are also lots of companies such as Udemny that offer lots of courses in an online format... when you feel as though you are using your time productively, you are less likely to feel the sense of frustration. Why don't you set yourself a challenge of mastering a new skill? Movement & exercise Human beings need to move, we're designed to be free, and that is why many of us are in a state of fear over the prospect of self isolation. There are many ways that we can incorporate exercise into our daily routines. Be that dancing to your favourite song or putting some YouTube yoga on. At present, the current advise is that even when self isolating, you're able to go outdoors for exercise, as long as you keep the 2m distance from people. So grab some walking boots and head out in to nature- it really is your best friend! Grab a book and go and sit in the fresh air, walk the dog, explore hidden waterfalls. Look at the positives Whilst we are in isolation, look at all of the wonderful things going on in nature. Waters are starting to return clear. There are more birds singing, air pollution is down and sky's that were once grey with smog have seen blue skies once again. Life goes on, we learn to adapt and now is the perfect time to learn and develop skills to help your mental and emotional wellbeing. Above all remember that you are not on your own. Your feelings are valid, and you have a wide toolkit available to help you manage and treat your own mental health. I'm very passionate about helping people achieve this, which is why The Ki Retreat was established. If anyone feels like they need any help, or would like to discuss any of the courses, treatments or classes that offer online then please get in touch. Lots of love, Kristy [email protected]
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